Learn how it all started.

I was once the proud owner and companion of a handsome prince named Bernie Counts. He was my hero. He loved our Mother Earth and spent his life protecting it. He went to work each day to sample streams and rivers for signs of pollution. If he found the water to be contaminated, he took those responsible for it to court to make sure they didn't do it again. When he came home, I was always there to greet him and keep him safe. But one sad day, the 25th of June 2000, he fell asleep and never woke up…so I was left alone. My companion's nephew, Garrett, adopted me, and I now have a new home. But I will never forget Bernie, my hero. I was lucky enough to have someone dear adopt me, but so many others aren't so lucky. That's why I wanted to start a haven for lost and lonesome pets like me, so they will never be left alone. This shelter will be in honor of him because I know he would like it so much. So please do what you can to help. The world is a very lonely place when you have no one to love you and no home.
Thanks so much, SIERRA
Footnote: Bernie Counts, Jr. was the brother of Dr. Gail Counts, President and Executive Director of Sierra's Haven. He died at the age of 42 of a heart attack. Sierra, his cat, stayed by his side until he was found by a neighbor. He was a field investigator for the EPA. Sierra has since passed away, but both Sierra's and Bernie's memories will live forever in the work that we are doing at Sierra's Haven.

Sierra's Haven is a group of volunteers working together to help find safe, loving homes for adoptable pets. In our brief existence, we have made a difference in the lives of thousands of animals. Whether they were strays or animals needing medical attention. Sierra's treated, spayed/neutered, and found them wonderful homes.